Why Is Physical Destruction Important In Cybersecurity?

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Why Is Physical Destruction Important In Cybersecurity?

18 December 2020
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Organisations of all kinds need to take cybersecurity issues seriously these days, not just the big multinational corporations which store vast amounts of data. Anyone who keeps customer records on their computer or has personal information stored on a removable storage device needs to consider all the potential threats they might face from criminals. If you are found to have suffered a data breach, it could do a great deal of damage to your company's reputation. People will simply look elsewhere if they think their data is not managed properly. Equally, data losses from hacks and negligence can lead to regulators levying fines.

However, it is not enough to simply run some anti-malware software and set up a firewall around your network because your hardware is just as important. With so many mobile devices around, such as smartphones and laptops, even the loss of one hard drive within them could reveal a password that bypasses all of your other cybersecurity measures. This is why physical data destruction is so crucial in modern commerce. Why else should you pay for professional hard drive destruction?

  • Deleting Is Not Enough

To begin with, it is simply inadequate to delete the files from a hard drive or a folder that is stored on a removable pen drive, for example, and think it is no longer accessible to hackers. When you delete something, its directory listing may disappear but the file will still exist, and skilled hackers can retrieve such data. Only professional hard drive destruction methods are enough to prevent deleted files from being viewed and copied.

  • Full Data Destruction Methods

Even if you have your old devices' hard drives destroyed, you have to use the right methodology. Some destruction techniques use powerful magnets to wipe data, but these will only work on certain types of hard drives. In other cases, they need to be smashed up or even shredded. Consequently, only a professional firm that does this sort of IT destruction can guarantee that the data you hold has been fully removed.

  • Your It Disposal Is Taken Care Of

Finally, taking hard drives out of computers and other devices to destroy them still means you are left with the rest of the IT equipment to get rid of. As most data destruction experts that deal with physical equipment can also handle your IT disposal requirements, you will effectively obtain two services for the price of one: responsible reprocessing as well as IT security.

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Magic Tricks: Exploring The Wonderful World Of Technology And Innovation

The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." We have become so complacent about the wonderful inventions around us that we constantly become frustrated, rather than appreciating the magical qualities that technology has brought to our lives. Plane delays and computer breakdowns are mere inconveniences when you consider that just over a century ago, travelling or sending letters abroad involved long journeys by ship. This blog is a celebration of technology and the wonderful innovations we now take for granted. I hope to keep abreast of new advances in technology and ways they can be used. For those who admire technology and those who like a little bit of magic, I'm sure you'll find something of interest within my posts. Please come inside.
